
 How is an audio biography created?

We offer an easy and stress-free process for creating your unique audio biography that will stand the test of time and be enjoyed by generations to come. 

We're experts at listening - you do the talking. 

Our clients have all said how much they enjoyed recording their stories.

The process of telling stories provides an opportunity for exploring and reflecting upon personal experiences and life events and has proved to be enjoyable for both client and audio biographer!

We cannot stress enough the importance of proper preparation. This means, to start with, a phone call when we will explain the process of creating an audio biography. We will discuss a structure for the interviews  and answer any questions. Next we send a brief form for filling in - nothing onerous, just some background information so we don't have to waste time during the interview asking where or when the client was born, for example.

In addition, we send a list of questions and prompts to help the client consider which stories and memories they wish to share. This is a crucial part of the process and we highly recommend clients prepare thoroughly by making notes, in bullet point form or more comprehensively - whatever will help them to recall their most important memories, so that everything they want to be included is included. 

Our basic package includes the preparation as mentioned above and one interview of up to three hours. Custom packages can be arranged. Please ask for details.

Audio biographies are best recorded chronologically; from  childhood years through to the present day. Each biography is unique, and there are no standard rules for structuring the interview.
However, you may wish to consider using several significant periods or events in your life as a framework for talking about the things that are important to you.  The process of telling stories provides an opportunity for exploring and reflecting upon personal experiences and life events and has proved to be enjoyable for both client and audio biographer!
We can record your audio biography at your home, at another suitable location, or over video call. 
The most important consideration is that the location for the interview needs to be quiet and away from any noise or other disturbance such as traffic or pets. 

Supporting Material
It can sometimes be useful to have objects available that can be used to support and develop your stories. For example, a diary, letters, photographs or other objects associated with your story are often useful. Of course, whatever you wish to share and keep private is always your choice.

We understand the importance of confidentiality when recording an audio life story, and every interview is conducted in the strictest confidence. 
We would never pass any information about you or any part of the recorded biography to a third party. For information about how The Audio Biographers collect, store and use your personal data, please review our Privacy Policy.

After the Interview
Following the interviews, the recording will be edited to remove any unwanted sounds and other material where possible, eg: interruptions and background noises. The final edited audio biography will be saved to a USB memory stick or CD.
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